Dear Friends: Our question-writing service will be unavailable until March 1, 2004, due to a leave of absence taken by the owner. We will be unable to fill any question orders until that date. Thanks for your understanding!

Practice Questions

During the three years that I have been writing questions commercially, several coaches have asked me to write a practice book.  These same coaches tell me that they have had a very difficult time trying to buy top-notch, tournament-quality questions for practice, which contain not only toss-up questions, but also multi-part bonus questions, along with "lightning" type list questions for study and team practice.  The coaches wanted a book with lots of questions, something that could be used throughout the year.  Some coaches like to use two-part bonuses in practice, since more can be included in a practice session.  They wanted me to include a number of these.  Many coaches also wanted me to include easy, "warm-up" questions for the beginning of practice sessions to held build buzzer speed.  And over the years, new coaches have wanted advice on how to start a scholastic bowl team.  But, most of all, they wanted a book that provided all these features for less than 50 dollars.

I am pleased to be able to offer to scholastic bowl coaches the first of a series of practice programs with all these features at a very affordable cost.  The first of the series will be geared especially toward Freshman and Sophomore teams, entitled:

The Freshman and Sophomore Practice Book -- Develop Your Team

What's in this new book?
Over 800 Tournament-Quality Toss-Up Questions
Over 500 Two-Part Bonus Questions
Over 200 Four-Part Bonus Questions
175 Warm-Up Questions for Building Buzzer Speed
8 "Lightning-Style" Lists, each one full page in length, covering a wide variety of topics
3 Pages of hints on organizing a new team, includes a list of valuable websites
Shipped in a three-ring binder for convenient use at practices

That's a total of over 3100 questions in one book!

How much will it cost?
Although I feel this book contains some of the highest-quality practice questions available today, I am committed to keeping its price low.  Its price is only $45.00;shipping and handling is FREE.  When you order today, I will personally ship it to you via U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail within the next 10 days.  That means that two weeks from today, you could be improving your school's JV team with this new book, "Improving Your Team."

How can I buy it?
1.  You can order by mail.  Just send an official purchase order from your school or a check for $45 to:

Jeremy Krug
Academic Questions
1409 Diuguid Drive, #G6
Murray, Ky  42071
    Please make all checks payable to "Jeremy Krug".

2.  You can order via the internet.  Fill out this form and send your check later.  Upon submitting the form, I will send you an e-mail confirming your order.

Your Name:
Name of School:
Mailing Address: (I will mail the book to this address):

Zip Code:
Your E-mail address:

Number of Copies Requested: 

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